High School Boy Develops Innovative Goggles For Blind


“To do something extraordinary you do not need an extraordinary learning.” Furthermore, simple things when put together can also lead you to great inventions. Anang Tadar is one such example. He is a class 11 student in New Galaxy Academy, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh. This child prodigy has designed goggles for blind that can detect obstacles and can alert the user of these obstructions.

What is the scientific principle behind the Goggles for blind?

The goggles can detect any obstacle on all sides within a distance of 2 meters of its circumference. He has used the principle of echolocation as used by bats at night. There are two ultrasound sensors on the left and right of the goggles to detect obstacles. Additionally, there is also an infrared sensor in the middle of the gadget to detect obstacles. This is as a safety measure in case both the ultrasound sensors fail. When an obstacle is detected, a beep sound will be heard through the audio output along with vibration to alert the person.

goggles for blind

Goggles for Blind (G4B) is a pair of glasses that can be worn by the people who suffer from visually impairment. It uses technology similar to parking sensors in cars. Furthermore, the goggles for blind alert the user about nearby objects, without using a stick. Tadar told media that his inspiration for this device was a blind girl whom he met a few years ago.

According to a statement by the Arunachal Pradesh government, UNICEF is very impressed by this innovation and has asked Tadar to develop few more prototypes. The initial product is slightly bulky and heavy to wear. Moreover, it requires improvement for production at larger scale.

Tadar was a participant in the National Level Science Exhibition, organised by the National Innovation Foundation (NIF) at Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi. Additionally, the Arunachal Pradesh Government has assured all the financial support to Tadar. So that, he can excel in his innovation. And also to make the device easier to handle after which it could be produced at a larger scale.

Tadar’s innovation shows the potential of young India and will motivate others to think in a more innovative and creative way.

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