As children we always used to look under our beds and in the cupboards so as to be sure that there are no night monsters hiding there. Everyone has heard about one or two monster folktales in their childhood.
There is a monster folktale for every culture and every individual. So here are 40 spooky monsters of the night and the places where to find them.


Found in Arctic Circle this monster is a gigantic legendary grey wolf. Indigenous people in Greenland are scared of this monster. Amarok hunts alone at night and is a night monster and particularly targets unguarded hunters.
LOCATION: Greenland.

 Baba Dook:

Babadook – tall, pale faced monster with long fingers. He wears a top hat and acts a metaphor for grief.  However, if an individual overcomes the loss this monster can be scared.
LOCATION: Australia

Baba Yaga:

This night monster is a distorted and a cruel looking old woman. She has a kind and motherly nature when not provoked. She flies around in a mortar, wielding a pestle.
LOCATION: Eastern Europe


Banshee is a female night monster or a fairy resembling an ugly old woman. Usually wears green or red color. Her loud scream announces the death of a family member for which she is famous.


This night monster is the king of all the serpents. It can kill simply through eye contact and if that fails it resorts using its deadly venom. It detests the smell of weasels.


  Beast of Bodmin Moor:

This is a phantom wild cat that appears at long distances. It tends to keep it to itself. It is described to be in various shapes and sizes therefore, possibly is an alien.
LOCATION: Bodmin Moor

 Betobeto- san:

It walks behind the people at night and is a formless night monster. It can only be heard and thus takes great contentment in troubling people.

 Big Foot:

This is a giant, hairy and two-footed ape; known for being incredibly shy. Lives in the mountains and forests and is likely to be closely associated to the yeti; also acknowledged by the name ‘Sasquatch’.
LOCATION: British Columbia

 Black Annis:

This is a blue faced witch or bogeyman with iron claws. Have extremely sharp teeth and takes pleasure in having children for the evening meal. It lives in cave and takes lambs or mischievous children away.
LOCATION: Cave in Dane Hills, Leicestershire

 Black Shuck:

This night monster is a demonic ghost dog; seldom considered to represent a premonition of death and is accompanied by thunder. It left a still visible claw mark in Blythburgh in 1577.
LOCATION: East Anglia

 Bloody Mary:

monsters of the night

It is a ghostly apparition in a mirror which either shows the person you will marry or shows a skull, suggesting your looming death. She is considered to be one of the harmless ghosts.
LOCATION: St James Palace, London


monsters of the night

This is a night monster of no particular form, shape or appearance. It enjoys being the epitome of terror and nightmares. It convinces children to behave well without even being present.
LOCATION: Any household with naughty children.


monsters of the night

This is a six-legged demon with twisted horns and lives in lakes and pools. Appears out from the water making a loud noise and hunts people and animals in the night by jumping on them.


monsters of the night

This is a demonic eternal serial killer with high intelligence. Carry a malicious looking hook and taunts his victims until they die. He is originally from New Orleans and his real name is ‘Dan’.


monsters of the night

This night monster is a giant, three-headed dog protecting the gates to hell thus, preventing the dead from escaping. Cerberus is famous for being captured by Hercules. This monster dog answers to the name ‘fluffy’.
LOCATION: The Underworld


monsters of the night

This is a peculiar and rarely seen creature allegedly similar to a large dog or a small bear. It has a row of spines from the neck to the base of its tail. Generally eats livestock and is the deadliest night monster.
LOCATION: Central America

 Cornish Owl Man:

monsters of the night

This is a four or five feet tall owl resembling a human in its shape. It is rarely seen creature but there are reports about the large glowing eyes and huge wings. It can be related to the American ‘Mothman’.
LOCATION: Mawnan, Cornwall


monsters of the night

It is an ancient Greek Pagan divinity or demon in the underworld (monsters of the night). This monster hunts and eats anything that moves. It has been known to appear during a break in time which is called as space continuum.
LOCATION: The Underworld


monsters of the night

It is a bloodsucking immortal night monster in the form of a human being. In moonlight takes the form of a bat and sleeps in a coffin. Furthermore, have a close resemblance to Vlad the Impaler and is also known to hold a grudge. (monsters of the night)
LOCATION: Transylvania


monsters of the night

It is an evil, spiteful fairy who carries her head under her arm. It is said that when Dullahan stops she calls a person’s name and that person immediately dies. She is frightened of gold.

 Frankenstein’s Monster:

monsters of the night

A night monster created by Dr Frankenstein; had extraordinary strength and kind nature when not tormented by the scientists. He got easily frightened by lightning and loud noises.
LOCATION: Darmstadt, Germany


monsters of the night

It is a night monster or an evil spirit that likes to devour human flesh. Ghoul is commonly found around burial grounds and deserted places. It sometimes shape shifts into a hyena.


monsters of the night

He is a man with massive strength and is made of clay or mud. He obeys his maker and is known for being incredibly vague. In addition, he is also responsible for the rare murderous rampage.
LOCATION: Prague, Czech Republic


monsters of the nightGremlins (night monster ) are extremely mischievous creatures, often related to imps and goblins; enjoy destroying the machinery. Generally, found in aircraft hangars trying to break anything they find.



monsters of the night

It is a giant and impressive mastiff and has especially threatening breath and blazing red eyes. This creature hunts on country lanes at night and is sometimes known as ‘The Dog of Darkness’.
LOCATION: Llandelga, Wales


monsters of the night

It is a small household or farmyard spirit or goblin and is absolutely harmless. He does helpful chores at the night and creates trouble when not respected.
LOCATION: Midlands and North England

 Jack Frost:

monsters of the night

He brings frost, snow, sleet and ice during winters and is absolutely harmless. Further, leaves the frosty, fern-like patterns on the windows in cold winter mornings.

LOCATION: Northern Europe

 Jack the Ripper:

monsters of the night

He was a serial killer famous for hunting women in East London in 19th century. His identity is unknown; in fact he had an obsessively eager interest general surgery and human biology. (monsters of the night)


monsters of the night

It is a demon goblin resembling a giant spider that takes the form of a woman to attract its victims. When in a good mood helps people from drowning.


monsters of the night

It is a horse shaped water spirit which kills those who paddle too far. Kelpie can also appear in human form but retains horse’s hooves due to which it is compared to Satan.
LOCATION: Scotland


monsters of the night

It is a giant sea monster well-known for taking down the entire ships and consuming their whole crew. It haunts the depth of the ocean and further can be related to a giant squid or octopus.(monsters of the night)


monsters of the night

It is a horned, half goat and half demon having human characteristics, serving as the companion of Santa Claus. The difference is that it punishes naughty children on Christmas and is possibly a cousin of The Grinch.
LOCATION: Germany and Central Alps

 Loch Ness Monster:

monsters of the night

It is an aquatic monster known for the avoidance of its detection and also providing a number of evidence of it existence. This monster is affectionately called ‘Nessie’.
LOCATION: Loch Ness, Scotland


monsters of the night

A repulsive gorgon having a head of a woman, snakes for hair, a winged body and tail of a snake. On the other hand, anyone who looks into her eyes turns to stone. She lives in a cave.
LOCATION: North Africa

 Monster Under the Bed:

monsters of the night

It is an undistinguished night monster, lives under your bed. However, easily scared by combining bravery with some common sense. It is far more sacred of you than you are of it.
LOCATION: Under your bed.


monsters of the night

It is a supernatural thing that causes trouble; blamed for the unexplained noises that come in the middle of the night. They wait for you to fall asleep before suddenly making a loud noise.(monsters of the night)
LOCATION: Worldwide

 Slender Man:

monsters of the night

It is a tall and faceless figure wearing a suit; known for stalking people at night. He hunts, kidnaps and frighten people and is significantly very slim causing minor panic amongst people.
LOCATION: North America


monsters of the night

It is a very large and lonely monster having similarities to that of a human which roams in the dark. This creature turns to stone when exposed to sunlight. Although, they are dangerous but can be easily outwitted.
LOCATION: Northern Europe


monsters of the night

These are the shape-shifting wolf like creatures; combining the form of a man and an animal (therianthropic). During full moon transformation takes place thus making it a large and dangerous wolf. Silver bullet kills werewolves.
LOCATION: Worldwide


monsters of the night

Zombies (night monster) are the undead living inside human bodies. They are famous for their slow walking and have a fondness for cannibalism. Ultimately, killed by removal of the head or destroying the brain.
LOCATION: Worldwide

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