Most Beautiful Libraries Of The World


Library is a storehouse of knowledge which provides us with the vast information and resources. But a good library is much more than being a storehouse, it’s a community resource. People often visit libraries and some of them might even bring out the bookworms in you. So, here are some of the most beautiful libraries of the world and all of them are works of art in themselves.

Most beautiful Libraries of the world #1 George Peabody Library – Baltimore, USA

beautiful libraries of the world

The interior of the library is referred to one of the most beautiful Libraries of the world and is often described as the ‘cathedral of books’. It houses 300,000 volume collection that mainly consist of British and American art, history and literature. The interior features an atrium, with a black and white marble floor, ornamental cast-iron balconies and golden columns. Therefore, it is on top of our list of most beautiful libraries of the world.

#2 The National Library of China – Beijing, China

beautiful libraries of the world

With a collection of over 35 million items it is the largest library in Asia. The library holds the largest collection of Chinese literature and historical documents in the world. Founded by the government of Qing Dynasty in 1909; formally opened in 1912. The interior of the library contains a four-tier study hall. The hall is regularly packed with the scholars preparing for university exams. The wide variety of books and alluring interior makes it one of the most beautiful Libraries of the world.

#3 Trinity College Library – Dublin, Ireland

beautiful libraries of the world

The library is a permanent home of the famous ‘Book of Kells’. It contains 65 meter long main chamber of the old library often referred as the Long Room with marble busts. The chamber houses 200,000 of the library’s oldest books; built between the year 1712 and 1732. Although the hall shares a prominent similarity to the Jedi Temple archives in 2002’s Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Thus, it makes its way on the third number in our list of most beautiful libraries of the world.

#4 Real Gabinete Português de Leitura – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


beautiful libraries of the world

In the year 1837, Portuguese immigrants in Rio de Janeiro decided to start a Portuguese library. The Real Gabinete Português de Leitura (known in English as the Royal Portuguese Reading Room) opened fifty years later. Moreover, it is considered to have the largest and most valuable collection of Portuguese literature outside of the motherland. It contains a cathedral like reading room, a glass dome with a facade made of limestone. As a result, now it is considered to be a Brazilian landmark and ranks no. 4 in the list of Most beautiful Libraries of the world.

#5 Stuttgart City Library – Stuttgart, Germany


beautiful libraries of the world

The Stuttgart library opened in the year 2011, designed by Yi Architects. Furthermore, it is a 9-story building that shines during the day. The visual center of the Stuttgart City Library is its grand atrium, a five-story open chamber. The interior is bright without direct lightning and is almost pristine white with the well stocked rows of books. The mesmerising architecture and the diversity of books brings it to the list of the most beautiful Libraries of the world.

#6 New York Public Library – New York, USA

beautiful libraries of the world

The New York Public Library, the second largest public library in the United States and fourth largest in the world. The library developed in the 19th century; the system has in total 93 different branches spread across Manhattan, the Bronx and the Staten island. Most majestic of all the institutions is the Main Branch on Fifth Avenue. The recently restored Rose Main Reading Room is one of the main attractions with grand chandeliers, huge windows and decorative ceiling.

#7 Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève – Paris, France


beautiful libraries of the world

Sainte Geneviève Library is a public and university library in Paris, which inherited the of the Abbey of Sainte Genevieve. The library completed in the year 1850 and is considered to be one of the world’s best cultural buildings. This Library interior is of modern architecture with iron piping and it contains around 2 million documents. So, it is at number 7 in our list of most beautiful libraries of the world.

#8 Seattle Public Library – Seattle, USA


beautiful libraries of the world

Seattle Public Library opened in the year 2004. Three years later became a national treasure as it was voted #108 on The American Institute of Architects list of ‘150 favorite pieces of American Architecture’. The library has a capacity for over 1.5 million books. However, the main section is the ‘Book Spiral’ due to which the collection spirals up through four stories on a continuous series of shelves. Hence, this allows the visitors to study the entire collection without using stairs or moving to a different part of the building.

#9 National Library of the Czech Republic – Prague, Czech Republic


beautiful libraries of the world

The National Library is a beautiful example of Baroque architecture; first opened in 1722. It is the biggest library in the Czech Republic and consists around 6 million documents. The library’s ceiling frescoes depicts art, science and its collection of gilded globes, built by Jesuits in the late 18th century.

#10 The Royal Library – Copenhagen, Denmark


beautiful libraries of the world

At no. 10 in the list of the most beautiful Libraries of the world is ‘The Royal Library’, affectionately called the ‘Black Diamond’ due to its outside cover of black marble and glass. The new building opened in the year 1999. It connects to the Old Royal Library through bridges. Besides, the normal library features the Black Diamond constitute a Cafe, an Auditorium, three Exhibition spaces and The National Photography Museum.

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