Beautiful Food Design Trends


The prettier dishes attract us more than the rest, don’t they? It seems as if our eyes can taste what we see. According to food experts, the decoration of a food is as important as its taste and there are a number of beautiful food design trends that are becoming popular day by day.

Here’s a list of most popular and beautiful food design trends that one should be aware of!


food design

There’s almost any object that today’s brilliant cake makers can make. Flour, eggs, sugar and flavors can be crafted to make a beautiful piece of yumminess. The use of fondue and edible paint makes the cake look even more beautiful. A variety of themed cakes are trending these days in a number of shapes, sizes and colors. Thus, designing of cakes is one of the most beautiful food design trends.

You may want to buy these products to design cakes at home:


food design

Also known as Latte art, one of the beautiful food design trends, caffe art, was introduced in 1980s in Seattle, USA by David Schomer. The food-fusion is a big hot cup of espresso steamed milk designing. There are two ways to create a latte art coffee: Free pouring and etching. Etching does not last as long as free pouring. However, free pouring is more popular.

You may want to buy these products to try Latte art at your home:


food design

All kinds of animals, objects and cartoon characters can be beautifully served on your plate with the help of pancake art. Pancake is a popular breakfast all over the world and thus, it even has its own day, the “Pancake day”. Though, a number of variations exist in its preparation and ingredients. Pancake art requires food coloring, eggs, milk and flour along with a creative mind to design and serve glory on the plate!

You may want to buy these Pancake moulds to try this ecstatic food design technique on your own:


food design

The most beautiful food design trends also include Sushi art. Sophisticated form of fish-rice combination is called Sushi. Vinegared rice is the main component of sushi. A lot of dedication and love to enhance its natural beauty and simplicity makes a wonderful dish. The Japanese follow a tradition Nyotaimori in which the sushi is served on a female’s body. The making of sushi is itself an art, but the garnishing and beautification make it a true form of art.

You may want to buy this product to make delicious Sushi at home:


food design

Food carving is also one of the most beautiful food design trends. Carvings popularly takes place on Watermelons, apples, strawberries. Fruit carving is popular in European and Asian countries. Tools likes Peel zester and carving knife are used to carve fruits.

You may want to buy these fruit carving knives for this beautiful food design technique:

“Food that looks beautiful, tastes beautiful”

Even though these are the most beautiful food design trends, innovation will always be a necessity.

Let us know in the comments below about your personalized art of food design. 🙂

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