Bill Gates To Become The World’s First Trillionaire


According to the latest reports by the Oxfam International ,Bill Gates could become the first person to cross the trillionaire mark.  The richest man in the world will be soon known as Bill Gates first trillionaire.

Bill Gates

 Estimating ‘Bill Gates first Trillionaire’

Assumptions such as these are based on the analysis of his wealth in past years. Since his fortune is growing at the rate of 11 percent per year since 2009. This way it would cross the trillion mark in the next twenty-five years when he turns 86.

Bill Gates

  1. Despite all the charity work that he does, his wealth in the past 10 years has increased from being $50 billion to $75 billion. That is definitely a phenomenal increase of $25 billion in a decade. And this is a testimony to the fact he would become ‘Bill Gates first Trillionaire’.

Charity Work by Bill Gates

Other than his personal charity foundation i.e. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation he is also one of the founding members of the Giving Pledge. Giving Pledge is a commitment from the richest individuals in the world to give away more than half of their wealth.

The Oxfam reports also suggests that eight billionaires, including Bill Gates and all the ones around the globe, have as much money as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of the world population.

As of 2013, Bill Gates has donated at least $28 billion to his Gates Foundation alone.

Bill Gates

At present, he is the world’s richest man with $85.9 billion. Moreover, he is the technology adviser to the current CEO Satya Nadella (the new CEO of Microsoft).

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