21 times Bob Marley proved that he’s more than Music and Marijuana


For the creation of timeless music, for the quotable lyrics, for the words of wisdom, for the weedy inspiration. Bob Marley will always be a LEGEND! Growing up as a kid, I used to see street walls with Bob Marley Quotes and pictures not knowing who he was and what was so stirring about him. The older I got, the more I discovered.

Living and loving the life of a hippie, Bob Marley smoked and shared his spiritual and musical connection with marijuana. His stirring words could evoke one’s inner stoner. Hence he’s preached as #stonergoals.

But his quotes and songs, have a lot more for lingering to the human mind, heart, and soul, rather than just weed. His music, encourage people, to forget their troubles. Furthermore, his words aptly capture the essence of our lives, minds, problems and situations. This reggae music legend spoke about a social change in such a way that it created a stir among the masses. They are not just a gush of weed but an intoxication of thoughts.

So, we’ve curated an exclusive compilation of his beautifully powerful lyrics, adages, and legacy of words. Have your dose of inspo!

Bob Marley Quotes:

#1. Challenges influence the choices you make. Have the strength to decide.

Bob Marley Quotes

#2. Feeling your dreams and following your passion –

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes:

#3. Worry not! Put extra efforts when the time is tough –

Bob Marley Quotes

#4. Balancing the highs and lows of life with enthusiasm –

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes:

#5. Don’t trade your soul, to make more, to be more, to get more –

Bob Marley Quotes

#6. Unwind your mind and free yourself –

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes:

#7. Explore your possibilities! Stop never! Keep moving forever! –

Bob Marley Quotes#8. Bust out of negative rut! Create and radiate positive vibes –

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes:

#9. Be fair with emotions. Don’t create emotional baggage –

Bob Marley Quotes

#10. Appreciate what you experience and learn from them –

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes:

#11. Stand up for what you believe in. Don’t sit and crib –

Bob Marley Quotes

#12. Lies ain’t solutions for life situations. Face and be true! –

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes:

#13. Hunger and poverty evokes revolution – Foodies ALERT!! Another reason to gobble!

Bob Marley Quotes

#14. Challenges in love are worth the efforts. These rewards flourish the relationship –

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes:

#15. Music is an incredible element for emotions. Soothes pain, Brightens joys! –

Bob Marley Quotes#16. Don’t follow! Carve your own path and choose your journey –

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes:

#17. Some lyrically rhyming inspiration! For staying strong and fighting for what you deserve –

Bob Marley Quotes#18. The smooth road has nothing to do with a joyful ride. What you think is what it feels like! Have positive outlook –

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes:

#19. Universal feeling of love! Unity! Peace! No chaos, no wars –

Bob Marley Quotes#20. Learn from your learning and GROW! Your choice decides your fate –

Bob Marley Quotes

Bob Marley Quotes:

#21. Better to judge your actions than picking apart others’. Acceptance is the key –

Bob Marley Quotes

Within a short span of life, he gave us euphoria for a lifetime. His words are uplifting, relating, contemporary, noteworthy and a pure bliss. He personifies his own outlook;

Man is a universe within himself.

Celebrating his enormous contribution to the music community and the spark of the whim for the restless souls.

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