Interesting Facts About The Marvel Universe


Marvel Studio has created such a fairyland that everyone wants to dive in. Their fans are bizarre and can go up to any level to get an idea about their next move. With their every release they are setting a new record for the movie business. There are a lot of interesting facts about the Marvel Universe. You may know a lot about your favorite character but how much do you know about MCU. Let’s see how many of these facts are already known to you.

Here’s the list of interesting facts about the Marvel Universe!

1. Can you imagine marvels without Spidy?

One of the most interesting facts about the Marvel Universe is that Spiderman could have never existed. Yes, you heard that right. Martin Goodman, the founder of Marvel comics, tried to talk Stan Lee and Steve Ditko not to introduce Spider-Man. He insisted that kids will hate spiders. But ultimately Stan & Steve forced him to do so. And thus we got our beloved Spider-man. Further, Spider-man became the face of Marvel.

2. Spidy and his black suit

Marvel’s Editor-in-chief of the ’80s, Jim Shooter bought the idea of black costume from a fan for $220. The list of interesting facts about the Marvel Universe also includes, Randy Schueller, the fan who also got a chance to write the story around it, but the story doesn’t turn out to be impressive enough. Though Marvel created Spider-man’s most impressive villain Venom out of it. Venom gave a deep and darker touch to our charming “Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-man”.

3. Marvel VS DC

Marvel vs. DC

Imagine a parallel Universe where there is no fight Between Marvel and DC. We all have spent countless number of hours debating whether the human touch of DC or witty humor of Marvel is more likable. But this problem would not have arisen if Marvel editor-in-chief Jim Shooter, has agreed to terms of Bill Sarnoff – head of Warner Communications’ publishing in 1984. Jim dropped the idea saying, DC’s characters are not good and they won’t sell.

4. Ever dreamed of MJ as Spider-man

Yes, Michael Jackson was also a big fan of Marvel and one of the most interesting facts about the Marvel Universe is that, he lobbied hard to play Professor X in the 1st X-Men movie. But the ultimate dream of his was to play the role of Spider-man. It almost came true when he was about to buy Marvel comics for $47 million.

MJ went to Stan Lee to obtain control of the company. Stan Lee agreed to help him run the company and make the film but he wasn’t actually in control of Marvel. Again he reached out to Toy Biz (then the owners of Marvel) and CEO Ike Perlmutter to buy the company. But, Perlmutter declined his offer and demanded an absurd amount of $1 billion. This forced Michael Jackson to walk away from the deal and his dreams of ever playing Spider-Man.

5. Loki backdates Thor

The list of interesting facts about the Marvel Universe is incomplete without the discrepancy in the ages of Loki and Thor. The recent release of MCU Thor: Ragnarok is a massive success. Both Thor played by Kris Hemsworth and Loki played by Tom Hiddleston are beloved characters to MCU fans. While Thor, god of thunder portrayed as the elder brother of Loki. But in comics, Loki appeared 13 years before him.

6. Marvel’s way to success

Marvel products

Now it looks like whatever Marvel Studios does it becomes a trend, with every film they release being a massive critical and commercial hit, but it wasn’t always like that. The list of interesting facts about the Marvel Universe includes that before X-Men, Marvel studios owned the rights to their characters but had no idea how to make a great superhero movie, and were often making shitty movies just to retain those rights.

Marvel has a long list of Infamous movies like Captain America(1944), The Punisher (1989) & Howard the Duck(1986), a strange comedy film produced by George Lucas that is often cited as the biggest punchline in film history. There have been a number of lesser known Marvel superheroes as well. Marvel shouldn’t be looked at as the flawless movie experts they’re seen as now, but rather as a company that made massive mistakes for quite a while, and eventually came back better than ever.

7. Captain Marvel – A superhero or A burden

The list of one of the lesser known interesting facts about the Marvel Universe is incomplete without the story of Captain Marvel. While Captain Marvel is got a standalone movie in 2018, she is not a well-known character even to Marvel’s geeks until then. Despite her being in Marvel universe since 1967, Captain Marvel exist more for copywriting issue, not as an interesting character that people care about.

The whole story starts when DC sued Fawcett Comics for breach of copyright, claiming that their character Captain Marvel was too similar to Superman. So, DC started using ‘him’ as DC’s version of the character being a guy with a cape until Marvel finally gets the trademark, thereafter DC had to change their character as Shazam.

There was a condition as well, if Marvel had to retain their trademark, they should publish a Captain Marvel title every year or two. Since then, Captain Marvel continued in various iterations until now; a character named Carol Danvers who has assumed the title and getting her very own movie.

Marvel Universe has never failed to excite the audience. These are just few of the lesser known interesting facts about Marvel Universe.

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