10 Joys Of Scribbled Thoughts And Feelings


Flip a page and you spot something you wrote long time back. But, it makes more sense today, at present, in the current moment. That’s the connection of scribbled thoughts which get loosen up with time but is again pulled back to life when rediscovered. It’s like finding a currency note hidden somewhere, in the small pocket of your old, worn out jeans. Delight! Isn’t it? Penned down thoughts become your companion along the lane of life. They enclose your feelings and never judge. You are free to feel what you actually feel. So, here are 10 wonders and joys of penning down your thoughts right at the very moment they strike you for the time they actually make sense!

Scribbled thoughts

1. Perfect outlet for what you feel:

When you can’t vent out what bothers you, writing it down gives immense pleasure. Its like deriving comfort for the pounding hearts and restless souls. This doesn’t mean that you detach from the world. But, you have a hidden inked world of yours away from the world’s perception or opinion. No bounds, no judgements!

Scribbled thoughts

2. Ratchet for creative brains:

Sometimes, ideas pop up at the most unusual times. And for a creative soul, no thought is just a thought. These bubbling thoughts don’t stay crisp for long and vanish when some other random thought strikes. Catching them before they are gone with the wind is by jotting them down.

Scribbled thoughts

3. Little bundles of moments and memories:

When you can’t keep a record of what you think or feel, either they tend to overflow, or they leak from the bottom. And since the time i have started penning things down, i find old notes, poetic gestures, couplets, lying clueless in the corners of my shelf, on torn pages of my diary and even inside my pillow-cover. Reuniting with lost connections!

Scribbled thoughts

4. Different perspectives; Varying reflections:

We may have one idea about ourselves but when you pen down and read how you actually reflect upon things, it may introduce you to a new version of YOU! Because, the mind often distorts things while pen and paper deal with absolute.

Scribbled thoughts

Scribbled thoughts

5. Best way to remember things:

A to-do list keeps a daily track of things to be done. Since trying to memorise a lot of things can be a frustrating task, so writing things down definitely saves some headaches. Scribble words and your checklist is ready!

Scribbled thoughts

6. Writing conversations for reflection:

Some things are bothering you. When and where did they suddenly come from? Writing snippets of conversation that affect you either positively or negatively, will allow you to sit and think, where the things went clear or abstract. So, an amazing way of self-reflection.

Scribbled thoughts

7. For the budding writers (me included):

A nostalgic way to bare your heart out. It may make a difference in someone’s life. May be the gloomy times of yours, be a hint of light for someone. And obviously, it helps you to confront your fears and voice your opinion. Simple but not simplistic!

Scribbled thoughts

8. Clears the mental baggage for newer visions:

Writing things down gives you space to think fresh and aim high. No matter how chaotic or disappointing the outer world is, when we pen things down, we enter a world of limitless possibilities. So, no self-doubts!

Scribbled thoughts

Scribbled thoughts

9. Unexplored or stored dreams:

When we scribble down, we have a chance to venture into our secretly enclosed dreams and ambitions that we might not feel safe unfolding to anyone else. We also have a space to keep track of our ideas, vision, desires, so we can return to them later. Plus, you can look back how you’ve traversed through thick and thin of life.

Scribbled thoughts

10. Recalling things back is wonderful:

When you regularly jot down your thoughts and feelings, you’ll soon have a record of your experiences, scribbled here and there. Reading this record is like resonating with your insight. It becomes a memoir of your moments that you might otherwise have forgotten. Gratitude!

Scribbled thoughts

The words flow out when you are not caged, bound to judgements, perceptions and opinions. So, let your thoughts flow, because if you don’t record these fleeting thoughts, it would be like the universe saying, “You didn’t keep the last great idea, so I’m not sending you anymore.” Capture your thoughts, your way!

How has writing been your companion through moments and memories? Leave your comments and let us know! Let your scribbles speak!

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