Lemons Contain More Sugar Than Strawberries


I am pretty sure that we all must have never imagined that a lemons contains more sugar than strawberries. Even I felt surprised after reading this fact. Astonishing, Isn’t it?

Here are some research studies that prove that lemons contain more sugar than strawberries

A strawberry contain 40% sugar while a lemon has 30% more sugar content than the former contain, i.e. 70%. You must be wondering by now until today while consuming any of the dish containing lemon or even lemon itself,  I never felt it can even contain sugar as it always tastes sour, not sweet. Right?
This happens because of the fact that lemon has more amount of citric acid which makes it more taste like sour than a sugary one. It has approximately 3% – 6% of acid content in it. This high amount of citric acid dominates the taste of sweetness in strawberry and you savor sour taste in spite of sweet one. Rather, strawberry hardly contains any acid content.

The only explanation is that the acidic nature of lemon masks the sweetness of strawberry. Despite the fact that lemons contain more sugar than strawberries, it cannot be included in your desserts.

You may wonder that lemons may cause obesity because lemons contain more sugar than strawberries. But both of them are widely used for their lot of health benefits instead. The nutritive value in them outcast the sugar content in them.

Take a view on some health benefits:


lemons contain more sugar than strawberries

  • Lemon helps in destroying bacteria and keep your teeth healthy. It is very useful to people having dental diseases.
  • It even cures the fever by letting sweat out of your body.
  • The citric acid in lemons helps in preventing kidney stones.
  • It contains many minerals like iron, potassium, sodium, calcium and vitamin B, C, K, E.
  • Lemons have anti-cancerous compounds which stop the growth of cancerous cells.
  • It controls heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Lemons also have many antibacterial and antiseptic properties.


lemons contain more sugar than strawberries

  • It prevents damage to eyes and infections.
  • Strawberries keep our heart healthy.
  • girls, this is an interesting one. Strawberries prevent wrinkles and rejuvenate your skin. Applying mashed strawberries helps in absorbing toxins and lighten dark patches.
  • It activates body by recharging your nervous system.
  • It is a magnificent immune booster.
  • Potassium present in them helps in releasing hypertension.
  • It contains antioxidants and minerals like manganese, dietary fiber, and folate.
  • It improves cognitive function of the brain.

Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries! Interesting!

Stay tuned for more such facts!!

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