Life Lessons Learned During College Life


(Life Lessons Learned During College Life) College times!!! Indeed one of the best part in our life that brings out the real us from within and teaches us enormous lessons during the phase. College life is not only about fun and making friends rather it gives numerous lessons for college students. Sometimes take a break to sit back and think what college teach you about yourself or what college teach you about life, I am sure you will get a long list.

So, here’s a list of life lessons learned during college life!


1. Cherish Company, but learn to survive and thrive on your own.

#1 Life Lessons Learned During College Life: Remember – you are dispensable. So, don’t surround your whole life around your friends, your girlfriend, or anyone. Keep a part of yourself where you spend some quality time with yourself. Don’t be in a situation that if for some reason, everyone ditches you, you end up in a dump and trust me that feeling would be the worst. You genuinely understamd and proudly announce about the interpersonal skills learnt in college.

life lessons learned during college life


2. Choose your allies carefully.

#2 Life Lessons Learned During College Life: I didn’t use the word friend because admit it, nobody chooses their friends. Friendship like love is something that just happens. In college, you need allies. Factions of people. One group who will help you with academics, one group for the fun times, one group for when you’re knee deep in shit, etc, etc. Never bitch about one group to the other.

life lessons learned during college life


3. Impressions last.

#3 Life Lessons Learned During College Life: So, you think that your grades in non-departmental subjects don’t matter. In the long run, maybe they don’t, but once your grades fall it’s harder to pick them up. Even more difficult than picking up Thor‘s hammer. You see, suppose you and your departmental topper make the same boo-boo on the exam. His/hers will be treated like a minor “oopsie daisy”, and yours like a carnal sin. Why? Because it’s his first time, and you will be considered a regular failure. So always maintain an equilibrium in your grades.

Life Lessons Learned During College Life


4. Find friends from other places.

#4 Life Lessons Learned During College Life: From other places, it could be other department or even from a different state as of yours. I remember, having spent my college life in a hostel where I had people from various states and exploring their culture is far more interesting.

Life Lessons Learned During College Life


5. Step out for some trips with friends.

#5 Life Lessons Learned During College Life: Whether be it a small one or a week long but having such enjoyable trips enrich your box of memories and the snaps that you definitely will cherish after your college days.

Life Lessons Learned During College Life


6. Keep healthy relations with your seniors.

#6 Life Lessons Learned During College Life: Your batch-mates are always your priority and should be, but establish healthy relations with your seniors for the fact that they will let you know how to deal with many situations that you encounter for the very first time in your college and also they will turn out to be a great support during your placements.

Life Lessons Learned During College Life


7. Enjoy every moment.

#7 Life Lessons Learned During College Life: College life introduce to you enormous ups and down and for some, the entire journey tends to be memorable and for some it sucks, but remember life will soon introduce something worse than this. It’s such an amazing part of life, last minute preparations, crushes, late night movies, bunking classes and much more…Enjoy these moments as will fly away soon!!!

Life Lessons Learned During College Life

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