Top Famous Kids: Little big shots


When you think of the word ‘kids’, what kind of image does your mind conjure up? Does it paint a vibrant little picture with colors reaching out of boundaries, of mischief and days of endless fun? Does it make you want to go back in time and embrace your tiny, clueless, naughty self?

It’s so wonderful and exciting being around children. They’re full of fervor and enthusiasm. While some of them are precocious and brilliant for their teeny tiny ages, some are equally astounding with their garden inventions and “discoveries”.

Little Big Shots is a family show created by Steve Harvey and Ellen DeGeneres, hosted by Steve Harvey. This show celebrates the life-sized achievements of tiny tots who will blow your minds away with their creativity and intelligence.

Here is a list of brilliant top famous kids who will make you want to retake your 5th grade exams:

Akash Vukoti

(the 6-year old Spell Bee champion)

Akash Vukoti became the second youngest child and the first-ever first-grader to qualify for the Scripps National Spelling Bee. His parents recognized his talent when they saw him putting together magnetic alphabets on the refrigerator to form words, at a mere age of 2. He possesses a mind-blowing IQ of 149, and can spell out words like derriere and connoisseur Erm, what would we have done with those alphabets? Swallowed them, probably. Therefore, he comes first in our list of top famous kids.

top famous kids: Akash Vukoti

Click here to watch him in this engaging clip with Steve Harvey!

 Iain Armitage

(the 8-year old Theatre Critic)

On no.2 in the list of top famous kids is the ever-so-outspoken, dapper little guy has been critiquing DC and Broadway shows since the age of 4 and went viral when his parents started to post his intellectual thoughts on YouTube. He explained what musical theater is really like to Steve Harvey and it was pretty spot-on – “You’re going along and then some dude just busts out singing! I just don’t know how to handle that!” How adorably precocious. Please watch this dapper little gentleman in this clip with Steve Harvey:

 Tommy Johnston

(the 5-year old Presidential Geek)

This pint-sized guy in his little outfit can name all the American Presidents and also narrate some quirky facts about each of them! He has an extroverted, expressive personality, which is so refreshing for a 5-year old and that is the reason why he is at no. 3 in our list of top famous kids. He can make you question your own intellect regarding the political figures of your country. The only problem in his life, however, is that his brother doesn’t share his beautiful girlfriend with him! Huh, shady siblings. If you want to squeal over a 4-year old child with twinkling eyes.

top famous kids: Tommy Johnston

Click here to watch the video!

 Calleigh Tsay

(the 5-year old Kung Fu Kiddo)

On no. 4 in our list of top famous kids is this intimidating yet giggly and inquisitive little girl can throw some seriously power-packed punches and kicks. You can only stare at her, appalled and at a loss of words. But that’s exactly what she needs to know from Steve Harvey! “Why are you staring at me?” Well, if you can look as cute as Kung Fu Panda in that Kung Fu gear, nobody can stop himself or herself from admiring your talent.

If you too want to watch this pretty little badass in all her grandeur, click here!

 Caleb Tyler Serrano

(4-year old Worship Leader)

Last but not the least in our list of top famous kids is the uber- talented cutie with incredible good looks and a smile to die for goes around as a young worship leader at his grandfather’s church. The debonair gentleman likes to dress up in a certain way and loves to wear ties! Seriously, where are the gentlemen when we need them? Only little humans like he can truly appreciate class. He comes fifth in our list of top famous kids.

top famous kids: Caleb Tyler Serrano

Click here to watch the talented, young man in all his poise and grace, who can make the audience move around to his singing!

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