Places To Go Before They Disappear


You must have heard of “Places to go before you die”. Did you ever come across “Places to go before they disappear”?

There are many breathtaking places in this world that are getting adversely affected by the climate change and constant human interference, to the extent that these are on the verge of disappearing from the face of the Earth. So if you love traveling and have a keen interest in exploring the world, then you might want to visit these places before they disappear.

This is called ‘Dooms Tourism’ or Last chance tourism, this is a recent trend where people explore these beautiful wonderlands that will eventually disappear in a few decades.

Here is a list of places to go before they disappear!


endangered places

Maldives holds the first position in the list of places to go before they disappear. The Maldives, a tropical nation in the Indian Ocean has always been a popular tourist spot. Its natural beauty, wide blue Ocean, white beaches and clean fresh air attracts tourist from all over the world. Maldives is famous for its water-sports, and is one of the best recreational diving destinations of the world. But this paradise will soon vanish, as our earth is undergoing a rapid climate change, and the sea level is rising extensively. It is expected that this paradise would entirely submerge in water in about 100 years.


endangered places

Home to several species of marine animals, the largest coral reef in the world is now a top entrant in the list of places to go before they disappear. Rise in carbon dioxide and increase in temperature are the major factors in destroying this exquisite place. It has been estimated that if these condition persist then the Great Barrier Reef would get irreversibly damaged by 2030.


endangered places

The Dead Sea is popular for sunbathing, floating on the salty water and black mud body scrubbing. Located at the lowest point on the earth, it is disappearing at an alarming rate. It is shrinking in size under the heat of the sun and also due to intensive withdrawal of water from the Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers which flows on to the Dead sea. Its water level is dropping at the rate of more than 1 meter per year. Therefore, it is one of the best places to go before they disappear.


endangered places

Its beautiful scenery makes it one of the most popular tourist destinations. Experts say that the Alp glaciers are quickly disappearing. If it continues to melt at this pace then these glaciers would vanish off the face of the earth by 2050.


endangered places

Earth’s largest Rainforest, source of more than 20% of world’s oxygen, home to about 10 million species of animals, birds and insects is one of the most beautiful places to go before they disappear due to deforestation, soil erosion and drastic climate change. If these conditions continues to persist, then it has been estimated that this wonderland would disappear in its entirety within 50 years.


endangered places

Known for its beautiful glaciers, this site is also getting drastically affected by the increase in temperature. Research says that these glaciers estimated to be 10,000 years old could disappear by 2030. This makes it one of the top places to go before they disappear.


endangered places

This magnificent beauty that attracts millions of tourists every year is one of the top entries in the list of places to go before they disappear as it is threatened by the air and water pollution. Campaigners believe that Taj Mahal could collapse soon if required reforms are not implemented. The wooden foundation that supports the magnificent structure is disintegrating and rotting due to the lack of water. One of the Seven Wonders of the World stands tall by the side of river Yamuna which is now drying at a frightening rate. If the river ceases to exist then the Taj Mahal would collapse soon after.

These are few of the many places to go before they disappear. The world is changing at a really fast pace and we as humans are playing a significant role in causing threat to these natural beauties.

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