Quick facts about Doodling


(Facts about Doodling) How many of us find our pencils drift as our mind drifts? If yes, then you are a doodler!  Doodling is also an art form to express ourselves but is not given much respect. It is generally considered as a drawing made absent-mindlessly. But doodling is something more than just mindlessly scribbled drawing.

Here are some quick facts about doodling every one of you should know!

1. Doodling keeps your brain occupied

While doodling, your brain works using three different styles: Visual, Kinesthetic and Auditory.

This method comparatively helps to process information way better than writing, seeing or listening to the same information. Therefore, it is at number 1 in our list of quick facts about doodling.

facts about doodling

2. It improves memory

Doodling things will help us remember better by creating a visual language. So the next time you think you will forget something, try doodling it instead of listing it out. Studies show that doodlers have 30 percent more memory when compared to non-doodlers.

facts about doodling

3. Relieve Stress

Doodling can provide relief to psychological distress. Studies show every doodler has his own set of patterns which help them relieve stress

facts about doodling

4. Improves Creativity

One doodle can help you generate dozens of new ideas. There is no fear of mistakes. Instead, you just see where the new line takes you, and what else you can now create. Thinking of new patterns and designs will help to improve your creativity. So, it definitely helps to unleash the artist in you.

facts about doodling

5. Keeps you focused

Doodling actually helps you to stay focused than drifting away from the situation. It helps your brain from going into the default stage of day dreaming when bored. Drawing a few doodles can help you to get relaxed and complete your work faster and thereby keeps you focused.

facts about doodling

6. It is also a career

Pablo Picasso, John Lennon, Leonardo Da Vinci, Walt Disney were all doodlers. They are best known for their different artworks, but they all share a common point. They all scribbled thousands of pages with their drawings and thoughts and everything that comes into their mind. Rabindranath Tagore manuscript also has a lot of doodles.

facts about doodling7. You can doodle anything

There are no restrictions on what to doodle. You can doodle anything whatever is closest to you or things you love. They can be anything: food, people, places, characters in a story, animals, etc. Some people also doodle words.

facts about doodling

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