The ‘Sis Code’ : Sister Solidarity


Sister Solidarity :The Mother Sis sits among Her Younglings,wrapped up in her warm cashmere shawl, cupping a large mug of coffee, around the bonfire. The Younglings eagerly listen to her intently, while the Mother Sis Subs are carefully filing her nails and combing her long locks. The trees in the woods cast long shadows on the floor, creating an eerie atmosphere and the bats can be heard screeching and scratching in the woods. A cool breeze whistles by.

“Younglings, today we shalt learn about the Ten Commandments of the Sis Code and thou shalt note them all down diligently. Thou shalt FOREVER AND EVER abide by the BFF Commandments and imbibe them in thine daily struggles. And the Sister Solidarity begins :”

#1 Help Sis form text messages for Sis’ Bae

Your Sis is your BAE . Hence, she needs help with the formation of the perfect text message which can concretely convey the exact thought on the subject. From meandering emotions to sultry flirtations, it must contain all the key elements of the perfect message. Sisters are always holding you from back and together and that is what we call Sister Solidarity.

#2 Do not demean a Sis to impress some guy

The next proof of sister solidarity is the fact that your girl before your guy. A guy is ‘JUST SOME PERSON’ and your Sis could mean the world to you. Never throw your Sis under the bus to grab all the attention of that random guy you met at the library and have just started texting with. It isn’t worth it.

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#3 Always compliment your Sis after her workout

Praises are the best example of sister solidarity .Her curves should always be complimented. She should always be assured of her body. Her insecurities are your own and they should be dealt with. Tell her how BOOTYLICIOUS she looks now and again.

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 #4 Seek the wisdom of Mother Sis 

Mother Sis-the all-knowing, godly figure who has Sistered several sisters before has a plethora of experiences and nuggets of knowledge to share with you. Always approach her with your problems without hesitation and learn to adapt to her teachings because you have sister solidarity above all.

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#5 Give up the last slice of Pizza for Sis

Pizza-that little ray of sunshine on a rainy day. Pizza-that burst of cheese in your mouth. Pizza-the ultimate pepperoni paradise. Giving up the last slice is quite the sacrifice. If you let your Sis’s puppy eyes and drools get to you, you’re a natural Sis.

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#6 Return the favor in terms of food

If Sis comes to pick you up at the metro station with all your 5 bags, two handbags and 27 Forever 21 and H&M shopping bags upon arriving from a long vacation, you must offer to pay for her kindness in terms of food. Take her out for Pizza and Beer. Or Sundaes. She has earned it.

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#7 Always warn your Sis if her Bae is Hoeing around

Step up. Be the Kind One. Act the Nice One. Behave the Wise One. Get ready with a box of tissues and a bucket of ice-cream, a night full of sobs and a Rom-Com Marathon. Because there is nothing more precious than sister solidarity.

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#8 Let one Sis meet another Sis

Don’t let jealousy get in the way. Let the Sisterhood expand. Let the coven be known and respected. That’s how you will get to know new and better Sisters. There should always be place for more. Enlarge your group because the more the merrier!

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 #9 Never forget the Sis for your Bae

Don’t abandon your Sisters for your Bae in an attempt to be with him forever, to breathe in the same air and to morph into one pink Ditto-like mass of throw-up and nothingness. Divide your time equally and learn to maintain balance because everything comes last and sister solidarity comes first.

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#10 Never discuss the deep dark secrets of the Sister Coven with strangers

Every Sister Coven needs to be taken seriously and the special conquests of the Sisters need to respected and accepted. From wild adventures to sexual failures, let them all be hush-hush affairs among the Younglings. What is whispered among the Younglings, stays among the Younglings.

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