SWISS HIGH ROLLERS: The “untouchable” rich children of Switzerland


The Rich Kids of Switzerland parade their wealth to their 6,000 adherents.

SWITZERLAND’S Rich Kids have been sharing jealousy prompting snaps of their spoiled ways of life on Instagram.The most recent Rich Kids account originates from Switzerland with the youthful and well off parading their procured fortunes in begrudge initiating snaps. Depicting themselves as “untouchable” the youths can be getting a charge out of a top of the line way of life on account of their legacy with not a paper round in site. Similarly, as with a considerable lot of the rich children accounts the Swiss adolescents display their numerous extravagance vehicles to their 6,000 supporters. Whether that is a carport loaded with Lamborghini or even a private fly.

rich swiss kids



Champagne bottles


One gave sees a youth utilizing champagne as shower water.

It appears that cash is no question for these fortunate few with snaps see them squandering their money by filling their shower with champagne and notwithstanding splashing half stripped companions in the bubble.

What’s more, in one eye dropping photograph it appeared that a football table wasn’t extravagance enough with the proprietor paying to have it encrusted with gems.

Well off Swiss teenagers parade their fortune as the top of the line autos, planner rigging, and extravagance occasions.

Depicting themselves as “untouchable”, the advantaged youths can be displaying wads of certified receipts. Posturing on extravagant private flies and being talented an extravagance Range Rover.

Rich Kids of Switzerland display WADS of money, extravagant private planes and expensive champagne (yet regardless they cherish a McDonald’s)


A rich swiss kid enjoying fast food and champagne on a private jet

In any case, while cash is unmistakably no question for these stacked high schoolers. They do love a nervy McDonald’s much the same as us typical people.

One eye-popping gave demonstrates a spoilt high schooler leaning back on a green calfskin seat on his private plane while holding up a fast food sack.

Another sees a brunette young lady posturing alongside a swanky white Range Rover that is finished in a tremendous red bow.

Photographs feature their extravagance vehicles including yachts and private planes.

A rich swiss kid flaunting money


rich swiss kids enjoying on a private yacht

The subtitle peruses: “For your eighteenth birthday celebration!”

A tanned blonde high schooler is seen zooming around in her Ferrari. While an adolescent is imagined beating up her brilliant shine while driving a speedboat.

Four dazzling buddies showed up in high spirits as they were imaging leaving their private stream.

A rich kid flaunting his brand new luxurious car

One self-important kid gloated about his “pocket cash” by sharing a photo of fistfuls of certified receipts. While another mutual a snap of his Louis Vuitton holdall loaded down with money.

Other eye-popping pictures incorporate a gem encrusted football table. An auto boot loaded down with shopping sacks from Chanel, Gucci, and Prada.

A photo of a Porsche loaded with Armand De Brignac Ace of Space champagne. Which retails for upwards of £170 a jug, likewise cocked eyebrows.


Yet, these aren’t the primary Rich Kids to boast about their sumptuous ways of life on Instagram.

The Rich Kids of London started wrath by flushing a Rolex down the latrine. Utilizing champagne as a doorstop and wiping “laborer” soil off their shoes with £50 notes.

In the interim, the Rich Kids of Russia have been spotted celebrating on extravagance yachts and brilliant shorelines with their well-off guardians.

Money is obviously no object for these stack youngsters who depict themselves as "untouchable"