The Syrian Immigration Crisis is one of the hottest topics for debate at the present hour. The civil war which started in March of 2011 has forced almost 11 million Syrians to abandon their homes. The war is still on and the end nowhere to be seen. Everyday hundreds of people die due to the bombings and the air strikes.
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 4.1 million people have fled to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq, and 6.6 million are internally displaced within Syria. Another one million have requested asylum to Europe. Germany, with more than 300,000 accumulated applications, and Sweden with 100,000, are EU’s top Syrian refugee receiving countries.
Who is fighting the war ?
The war is being fought over territories between the Assad government, rebel groups, ethnic groups, and the Islamic extremists. This war was inspired by the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and Yemen.
What happens to the residents caught in the war?
The war has killed 470,000 people. The airstrikes and bombings have destroyed the heavily populated cities. Cities have completely been turned down to ruins. Food and water is also scarce. Human rights violation are widespread. The situation worsened when the other countries decided to interfere in this war and end it. Instead of stopping the war the situation has actually deteriorated.

Not all the Syrian refugees have shelter. The U.N. estimates that only 1 in 10 Syrian refugees live in camps. The rest are struggling to settle in unfamiliar urban communities or have been forced into informal rural environments.
Jordan’s Za’atari, is the first official refugee camp that opened in July 2012. It gets the most news coverage because it is the destination for most newly-arrived refugees. It is also the most concentrated settlement of refugees. Approximately 80000 Syrians live in Za’atari, making it one of the country’s largest cities.
Because Jordan’s camps are run by the government and the U.N. — with many partner organizations like Mercy Corps coordinating services — they offer more structure and support. But many families feel trapped, crowded, and even farther from any sense of home, so they seek shelter in nearby towns.
Syrian Immigration Crisis
The major crisis faced by the neighboring countries is how to accommodate the Syrian refugees. Whether to accept them or not? It is human tendency to run away from a war which is not theirs to fight.
The Syrian refugees’ main target is Europe. The journey is not safe at all. According to the IOM, more than 3,770 migrants died trying to cross the Mediterranean in 2015. But in 2015, the deadliest month for migrants was April, which saw a boat carrying about 800 people capsize in the sea off Libya.
The most wanted country at the moment is Germany (most applied asylum applications). Hungary, Sweden, Austria, Norway, Finland and many more are following its footsteps. Not all the migrants enter the state legally. Since the process of granting asylum is very long, migrants try to enter these countries illegally. The usual routes is by the Mediterranean sea in flimsy dinghy boats or wooden boats.
The Syrian Immigration crisis is worsening by the passing day and we need to realize how serious this situation is. One thing is clear the war won’t stop till it has run its course.
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