7 Common Mistakes That Stop Us From Being Successful


We all make mistake, but what we don’t realise are their pattern and their probability occurrence. I was seriously shocked with the mistakes that I make subconsciously and how often I make them. It’s not like these mistakes are life-threatening or huge but avoiding them will surely make one’s decision-making ability more rational and sensible. Here, I list 7 common mistakes that stop us from being successful:

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful #1 We comfort ourselves with information that suits our beliefs

Of course, all of do need information and facts which satisfy and support our so called rational decision-making ability. But what we don’t realise is subconsciously we rely on or trust that information which matches our beliefs. In short, we become a little biased about the facts which match our beliefs because that leads to the decision which we want to make.

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful #2 We worry about things we have lost

It’s a typical human mentality to cry over the spilt milk. We don’t try to look at the other side of the picture or search for other resources but keep worrying about the lost things which help in nothing but increasing the problem. This is one of the most common mistakes that stop us from being successful!

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful #3 We predict odds

This is one think that happens because we overthink. We assume things to be or happen which they would never be like. But our overthinking leads us to be in particular situation which we would never be in and hence we start assuming things on our own which does no good other than adding more to our problems.

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful #4 We look for short term solutions

Short-term benefits and solutions always lure one what we fail to notice is their long term impact. We fail to realise that these short-term solutions can lead to a long-term problem.

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful #5 We rationalise purchases we don’t want

Marketing is what we observe these days everywhere, which simultaneously do lure all of us. This leads us to buying up things which we generally don’t need or want. And what we do to justify these not so needed buyings with some stupid reasons instead admitting that it was a useless purchase.

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful #6 We don’t realise what we actually want

This is the most common reason of wrong job, career and partner selection. We don’t realise what we actually want from our lives and hence end up following other’s activity.

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful #7 We don’t finish what we start

Endings are the most important part. It’s the ending that judge the precision of our steps. But sometimes we get bored with what we have started. We lack our long-term commitment and dedication which abrupts the completion of endings.

Common mistakes that stop us from being successful

If you want to be successful in life, then these common mistakes that stop us from being successful are a big no no!

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