Dear Men in our lives,
Our pillars of strength. Our stellar support. Our affectionate fathers, adorable brothers and loving boyfriends. Thank you for being so responsible and protective towards us. We may not thank you enough explicitly, but we feel it deep within our hearts.

We do not attribute adequate praises to your names for the sacrifices you make and the challenges you take up just for us.
Thank you for helping us complete our projects on time. Your stupefying skills really help us score good grades.
Thank you for driving us to places so that we don’t get a sunburn and feel unsafe in alien environments.
Thank you for picking up fights at the bar for us to protect us from rowdy, brutish men who do not know how to treat women in a dignified way.
Thank you for being uber chivalrous and pulling a chair or opening a stubborn jar for us. It’s in the little things that you do that make our hearts swell with irrevocable love and pride for you.

When a casual, quintessential Feminazi points her finger at you and bruises you for simply being a MAN for your simple ways, her arrogance fills us with shame.
When she boos you down for crying, her churlishness makes us want to embrace you and provide you with all the comfort we can offer.
Also, when her delirium makes you feel the brunt of the harsh demands and responsibilities that the society holds you to, it makes us want to bash all the stereotypes and become your comrades on this battlefield.

BUT the fact that you can readily and wilfully give in to your emotions and shed a few tears. BUT the fact that you can uphold intellectually simulating conversations with us. BUT the fact that you can sing along to John Mayer. Thank you for being these men and bringing a whole lot more to the table.

Thank you for defending the boundaries of our country when the nation bleeds profusely.
Thank you for fighting the infernal fires and rescuing our cats.
Thank you letting us gorge on the last slice of Pizza.
Thank you for kissing us in the rain and making our VERY MOZZARELLA-CHEESY dreams come true.
Thank you for surprising us and bringing us jars of Nutella.
Thank you for helping us park our cars perfectly.
Thank you for passing up your desires and needs for our own.
Thank you teaching us how to drive.
Thank you for teaching us how to fight and staring our enemies down once and for all.
Thank you for kicking our school bullies in the gonads.
Thank you for catering to our whimsical 12 AM demands.
Thank you for clicking paramount DSLR pictures for our FACEBOOK profiles.
Thank you for holding our hands firmly and helping us get across to the other side.
Thank you for letting us draw out cash at the ATM first, before anyone else.
Thank you forcing us, motivating us, pushing our limits and testing our potential. Thank you for being the driving force in our lives without which our hearts will be like dingy, dark dungeons.
Thank you for being our saviour.
Thank you for lending your shoulder to lean on, to cry on and to drift off to sleep on.
Yours Lovingly,
Some very well-meaning girls.
Let us know in the comments below about few interesting ideas to make the special men in our lives feel admired and loved. Its our turn now to show us how grateful we are for the wonderful men in our lives. 🙂
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