Top Powerful Men Accused Of Sexual Harassment


When people of the status of Arunabh Kumar are accused of sexual harassment, there is a kind of silence that surrounds the industry. Everyone forms perceptions, but no one wants to speak out. Here are some top powerful men accused of sexual harassment, who managed to escape the flak.


Powerful Men Accused Of Sexual Harassment

On no. 1 in our list of top powerful men accused of sexual harrasment is one the most popular entertainers of all times, Bill Cosby . Cosby is subject to over 60 allegations of sexual misconduct. The charges include child abuse, rape and drug facilitated sexual abuse. Now had it been a few cases we would have considered them to be fake. But the allegations are huge and have spanned from early 1960’s to recent years. Innumerable lawsuits are pending against him. We just hope that the victims get their justice.


Powerful Men Accused Of Sexual Harassment

World famous NBA basketball player Kobe Bryant was accused of sexually assaulting a 19-year old hotel employee. This happened during his stay in The Lodge and Spa at Cordillera. But later the victim dropped her case. In another lawsuit filed against him, it just was settled outside the court. Though the star athlete has achieved heights in his career, his action is still unjustified!


Powerful Men Accused Of Sexual Harassment

Third in our list of top powerful men accused of sexual harassment is Phaneesh Murthy who is a former Infosys director and current iGate CEO. He was sacked for sexually harassing secretary Reka Maximovitch. Araceli Roiz, head of investor relations at iGate stated that she was pregnant with Murthy’s child. Media reports highlighted his involvement in indecent activities. He still was free from any police action.


Powerful Men Accused Of Sexual Harassment

Former TERI chief and famous climate scientist, Pachauri has allegations of sexual misconduct against him. Because of which he had been removed from the post of director-general of TERI. The case against him is still on. If officers of such ranking will commit such crimes, where will the general public go!

Powerful Men Accused Of Sexual Harassment #5 DONALD TRUMP

Powerful Men Accused Of Sexual Harassment

Last but surely not the least in our list of top powerful men accused of sexual harassment is none other than the President of The United States of America . A dozen ladies reported against him for his misconduct. Among them was Jessica Leeds who reported Trump’s misdeed some 35 years ago.

So, these were a few examples of how power play even in today’s society holds more value than the law itself.

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