Times when “going with the flow” really helps


(Times when “going with the flow” really helps) Time and again we across various incidents which prove to us that life has its own plans for us, which we mess up with our stupid so called plans. Each one of us, including me, of course, considers going with the flow as a weakness. We love keeping our lives in our control and going with the flow doesn’t let you do this. But trust me, sometimes not having a plan is the best plan you can have.

And here are few of the times when “going with the flow” really helps!

When you don’t really have a solution

It’s not necessary that you always have a solution for your problem and trust me it’s really okay to not to have one. I mean come on it’s your life and not a mathematics problem which always has a solution. And let me tell you this, there are even some maths problems which cannot be solved. So just relax! Feel good about your life and let it go with the flow.

Confused about a career?

Should I try this? Should I go for this? Will I be successful? What will other think of my decision?


going with the flow

I mean come on, give your self a break. You are not a vending machine programmed to dispense out desired success results. Just go for the things which you want to do and it will be fine. Five years ago I didn’t even want to go for engineering and as for now, I’m pursuing my master’s degree from a reputed institute in the same. And trust me I am happy. So, give yourself a little relaxation. Don’t have a plan ? Fine, embrace the things which come up and you’ll be fine.

Relationship Dilemma


relationship dilemma

There is absolutely no shame in accepting that all of do face this dilemma once in our lifetime or once in every set period of time. But the point where we lack is handling those problems. Moreover, we fail to express it with the person concerned. Be it your parents, your siblings, your spouse, your friends or even your colleague. We keep on holding our feelings so tight that it tends to suffocate us. Letting your feelings flow with the flow will only make you feel better. Also, it is always important to let the concerned person that what you actually feel about them. However, this, of course, does not give you the right to hurt them through your feelings.

Some one once said to me, “You cannot learn how to swim unless you don’t go into the pool”. You cannot always cling yourself to the banks and play safe.

Take risks. Discover the what if’s. Fall and stand up. And yes don’t forget to shine 🙂

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