5 Diseases You Can Contract By Kissing: Health Hazard


One of the many innumerable traits all human beings share in common is expressing their love to the significant other. The most common practice to exhibit the same is, of course, the act of kissing one another. Pairs of enthusiastic lovers, insanely in love leave no stones unturned in confessing their love to each other and express their sweltering desire.


All wonderful things, however, come with a baleful baggage. So does kissing. Amidst all that glory of blazing love between lovers, you will find it surprising to learn that even this celestial act of expressing desire can render you vulnerable to some very treacherous diseases. Let’s take a look.

1. Respiratory Virus:

Popular as the “kissing disease,” mononucleosis usually escalates via the Epstein-Barr virus and comes with extreme fatigue and flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, muscle weakness and swollen lymph glands. Middle aged people are the most susceptible to mononucleosis. Also, those who are in a close contact with multiple partners, high school and college students are most vulnerable.
There’s no treatment for mononucleosis. Resting, hydrating yourself and taking over-the-counter pain medicines are your only outlets for an escapade.


3. Cold Sores:

Cold sores or fever blisters are actually the result of the herpes simplex virus. American Centers for Disease Control say that at least half of all Americans catch an infection to herpes simplex, most by the age of 20. A quick smooch is enough to infect your partner. Even the slightest of contacts with the virus (while it’s still shedding) can trigger the harm. That is likely to happen even before the telltale blister begins to form. Warning symptoms are mild: an itching, burning or tingling in the area, along with a possible sore throat, fever or swollen glands.

4. Cytomegalovirus:

Cytomegalovirus is yet another disreputable member of the herpes family. A majority of us have antibodies in our systems against this virus but never knew we were infected. That’s because healthy adults and children often have no signs or symptoms. Potentially contagious via saliva, blood, urine, semen and breast milk, Cytomegalovirus can be diabolic if you have a compromised immune system. Fever, fatigue and muscles aches are the common symptoms, but severe cases can result in seizures, pneumonia, encephalitis (an inflammation of the brain) and visual problems.


5. Group A Streptococcus

Group A streptococcus is a bacterium that can induce a range of infections. It is easily spread through direct contact with the mucus of an infected person. While the Thought of it might sounds downright disgusting doesn’t it? Hate to break it to you but the contact is often when kissing. Moreover, you could just as easily catch it by sharing food or a drink with the infected person. While most infections, like strep throat, are mild and easily treatable with antibiotics, an untreated strep infection can lead to pneumonia.

Stay Safe!

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